
Key figures

Key figures

in EUR million20142013
1.1. – 31.3.+/– previous year1.1. –
Gross written premium3,624.4-3.6%3,757.9 
Net premium earned2,912.7-5.5%3,080.9 
Net underwriting result2.5-92.0%31.4 
Net investment income361.2+1.8%354.7 
Operating profit (EBIT)349.6-4.6%366.5 
Group net income233.0+0.7%231.2 
Balance sheet
Policyholders´ surplus8,431.2-3.8%8,767.9
Equity attributable to shareholders of Hannover Rück SE6,302.1+7.0%5,888.4
Non-controlling interests639.6-0.3%641.6
Hybrid capital1,489.5-33.4%2,237.8
Investments (excl. funds withheld by ceding companies)31,738.6-0.4%31,875.2
Total assets54,328.8+0.8%53,915.5
Earnings per share (basic and diluted) in EUR1.93+0.7%1.92
Book value per share in EUR52.26+7.0%52.1848.83
Share price at the end of the period in EUR64.93+4.1%61.1962.38
Market capitalisation at the end of the period7,830.4+4.1%7,379.37,522.8
Combined ratio (non-life reinsurance)294.4% 94.0%           
Large losses as percentage of net premium earned (non-life reinsurance)31.9% 0.8% 
Retention88.4% 89.9%
Return on investment (excl. funds withheld by ceding companies)43.4% 3.2% 
EBIT margin512.0% 11.9% 
Return on equity (after tax)15.3% 15.0% 


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