Consolidated balance sheet as at 30 June 2015


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in EUR thousand 30.06.2015 31.12.2014
Fixed-income securities – held to maturity 1,688,898 2,139,742
Fixed-income securities – loans and receivables 3,057,935 2,988,187
Fixed-income securities – available for sale 28,091,699 26,817,523
Fixed-income securities – at fair value through profit or loss 86,115 64,494
Equity securities – available for sale 34,372 32,804
Other financial assets – at fair value through profit or loss 54,857 66,394
Real estate and real estate funds 1,372,032 1,299,258
Investments in associated companies 147,380 154,822
Other invested assets 1,432,320 1,316,604
Short-term investments 541,227 575,300
Cash and cash equivalents 892,788 772,882
Total investments and cash under own management 37,399,623 36,228,010
Funds withheld 17,770,758 15,826,480
Contract deposits 155,020 92,069
Total investments 55,325,401 52,146,559
Reinsurance recoverables on unpaid claims 1,409,235 1,376,432
Reinsurance recoverables on benefit reserve 870,885 676,219
Prepaid reinsurance premium 211,881 149,257
Reinsurance recoverables on other technical reserves 7,600 5,446
Deferred acquisition costs 2,137,757 1,914,598
Accounts receivable 3,848,961 3,113,978
Goodwill 60,057 58,220
Deferred tax assets 359,220 393,923
Other assets 721,833 618,280
Accrued interest and rent 7,262 4,672
Assets held for sale 2,620
Total assets 64,962,712 60,457,584
in EUR thousand 30.06.2015 31.12.2014
Fixed-income securities – held to maturity 1,688,898 2,139,742
Fixed-income securities – loans and receivables 3,057,935 2,988,187
Fixed-income securities – available for sale 28,091,699 26,817,523
Fixed-income securities – at fair value through profit or loss 86,115 64,494
Equity securities – available for sale 34,372 32,804
Other financial assets – at fair value through profit or loss 54,857 66,394
Real estate and real estate funds 1,372,032 1,299,258
Investments in associated companies 147,380 154,822
Other invested assets 1,432,320 1,316,604
Short-term investments 541,227 575,300
Cash and cash equivalents 892,788 772,882
Total investments and cash under own management 37,399,623 36,228,010
Funds withheld 17,770,758 15,826,480
Contract deposits 155,020 92,069
Total investments 55,325,401 52,146,559
Reinsurance recoverables on unpaid claims 1,409,235 1,376,432
Reinsurance recoverables on benefit reserve 870,885 676,219
Prepaid reinsurance premium 211,881 149,257
Reinsurance recoverables on other technical reserves 7,600 5,446
Deferred acquisition costs 2,137,757 1,914,598
Accounts receivable 3,848,961 3,113,978
Goodwill 60,057 58,220
Deferred tax assets 359,220 393,923
Other assets 721,833 618,280
Accrued interest and rent 7,262 4,672
Assets held for sale 2,620
Total assets 64,962,712 60,457,584
in EUR thousand 30.06.2015 31.12.2014
Loss and loss adjustment expense reserve 26,131,490 24,112,056
Benefit reserves 12,786,369 11,757,132
Unearned premium reserve 3,537,008 2,748,594
Other technical provisions 325,059 324,240
Funds withheld 812,528 817,137
Contract deposits 7,127,087 6,072,338
Reinsurance payable 1,110,481 1,101,317
Provisions for pensions 152,855 171,501
Taxes 209,040 260,137
Deferred tax liabilities 1,894,014 1,875,591
Other liabilities 731,970 694,234
Long-term debt and subordinated capital 1,794,856 2,270,347
Total liabilities 56,612,757 52,204,624
Shareholders' equity
Common shares 120,597 120,597
Nominal value: 120,597
Conditional capital: 60,299
Additional paid-in capital 724,562 724,562
Common shares and additional paid-in capital 845,159 845,159
Cumulative other comprehensive income
Unrealised gains and losses on investments 929,079 1,169,255
Cumulative foreign currency translation adjustment 519,896 190,454
Changes from hedging instruments (7,474) (8,748)
Other changes in cumulative other comprehensive income (36,343) (48,288)
Total other comprehensive income 1,405,158 1,302,673
Retained earnings 5,422,281 5,402,926
Equity attributable to shareholders of Hannover Rück SE 7,672,598 7,550,758
Non-controlling interests 677,357 702,202
Total shareholders' equity 8,349,955 8,252,960
Total liabilities and shareholders´ equity 64,962,712 60,457,584


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