Consolidated statement of changes in shareholders’
equity as at 30 June 2015


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in EUR thousandCommon sharesAdditional paid-in capitalOther reserves
(cumulative other comprehensive income)
Retained earningsEquity attributable
to shareholders of
Hannover Rück SE
Total shareholders’ equity
gains / losses
Currency translationHedging instrumentsOther
Balance as at 1.1.2014120,597724,562533,745(246,279)(9,455)(16,452)4,781,7185,888,436641,5916,530,027
Changes in ownership interest with no change of control status959(1,697)(738)738
Changes in the consolidated group(1,387)(1,387)
Capital increase / additions
Acquisition / disposal of treasury shares(13)(13)(13)
Total income and expense recognised directly in equity376,15276,374395(11,565)441,35625,259466,615
Net income444,422444,42234,762479,184
Dividends paid(361,791)(361,791)(40,017)(401,808)
Balance as at 30.6.2014120,597724,562910,856(169,905)(9,060)(28,017)4,862,6396,411,672660,9467,072,618
Balance as at 1.1.2015120,597724,5621,169,255190,454(8,748)(48,288)5,402,9267,550,758702,2028,252,960
Changes in ownership interest with no change of control status
Changes in the consolidated group(56)(56)
Capital increase / additions5858
Acquisition / disposal of treasury shares(10)(10)(10)
Total income and expense recognised directly in equity(240,176)329,4421,27411,945102,485(6,321)96,164
Net income531,903531,90324,869556,772
Dividends paid(512,538)(512,538)(43,395)(555,933)
Balance as at 30.6.2015120,597724,562929,079519,896(7,474)(36,343)5,422,2817,672,598677,3578,349,955


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