Our glossary explains technical terms from the areas finance and reinsurance. We hope it facilitates the understanding of our texts, publications and annual reports. If you have comments or suggestions, please use our feedback form!
Facultative reinsurance
participation on the part of the reinsurer in a particular individual risk assumed by the direct insurer. This is in contrast to obligatory (also: treaty) reinsurance.
Fair value
price at which a financial instrument is be freely traded between two parties.
Financial Solutions
reinsurance transactions which – in addition to the transfer of biometric risks – also include financing components such as financing arrangements for new and existing business, reserve relief, smoothing of volatility in results, optimisation of the solvency position.
Frequency losses
losses that occur frequently in a foreseeable amount, i. e. where the underlying risks are associated with relatively high probabilities of occurrence and usually low loss amounts.
Funds held by ceding companies/funds held under reinsurance treaties
cf. deposits with ceding companies / deposits received from retrocessionaires: collateral provided to cover insurance liabilities that a (re-)insurer retains from the liquid funds which it is to pay to a reinsurer under a reinsurance treaty. In this case, the retaining company shows a deposit received, while the company furnishing the collateral shows a deposit with a ceding company.