in EUR million 2015 2014
1.1. – 31.3. +/– previous year 1.1. – 31.3. 31.12.
Gross written premium 4,400.2 +21.4% 3,624.4
Net premium earned 3,431.9 +17.8% 2,912.7
Net underwriting result (6.2) 2.5
Net investment income 415.7 +15.1% 361.2
Operating profit (EBIT) 429.0 +22.7% 349.6
Group net income 279.7 +20.1% 233.0
Balance sheet
Policyholders´ surplus 11,185.9 +9.2% 10,239.5
Equity attributable to shareholders of Hannover Rück SE 8,524.2 +12.9% 7,550.8
Non-controlling interests 673.8 -4.0% 702.2
Hybrid capital 1,987.9 +0.1% 1,986.5
Investments (excl. funds withheld by ceding companies) 39,683.8 +9.5% 36,228.0
Total assets 67,158.2 +11.1% 60,457.6
Earnings per share (basic and diluted) in EUR 2.32 +20.1% 1.93
Book value per share in EUR 70.68 +12.9% 52.26 62.61
Share price at the end of the period in EUR 96.20 +28.3% 64.93 74.97
Market capitalisation at the end of the period 11,601.4 +28.3% 7,830.4 9,041.2
Combined ratio (property and casualty reinsurance)1 95.7% 94.4%
Large losses as percentage of net premium earned (property and casualty reinsurance)2 3.3% 1.9%
Retention 88.6% 88.4%
Return on investment3
(excl. funds withheld by ceding companies)
3.5% 3.4%
EBIT margin4 12.5%   12.0%
Return on equity (after tax) 13.9% 15.3%


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