Major external factors influencing risk management


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Regulatory developments: Solvency II is a reform of insurance supervision law in Europe, the implementation of which on 1 January 2016 poses enormous challenges for the entire (re)insurance industry. Along with redefining capital requirements, Solvency II places additional demands on companies’ internal management systems and on the information to be disclosed by undertakings to the regulator and the public at large. Further more specific aspects of Solvency II were defined in 2015 by a delegated regulation. Hannover Re has implemented the new requirements. In view of our internal target capitalisation with a confidence level of 99.97%, which comfortably exceeds the level of 99.5% envisaged for target capitalisation under Solvency II, the capital requirements of Solvency II do not present any additional hurdle for our company. The core functions of Solvency II – the risk management function, the actuarial function, the compliance function and the internal audit function – have been implemented along existing processes and organisational structures at Hannover Re. Additional staff had to be taken on and extra systems deployed as part of the launch phase, first and foremost in order to be able to meet internal and external reporting requirements.

Parallel to the regulatory developments in Europe, we are seeing adjustments worldwide to the regulation of (re)insurance undertakings. It is often the case that various local supervisory authorities take their lead from the principles of Solvency II or the requirements set out by the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS). Countries such as Switzerland have already been granted equivalence status.

Above and beyond this, further capital requirements for large, internationally operating (re)insurance groups are to be anticipated in the future. These requirements are under development by the IAIS and the Financial Stability Board (FSB).