Consolidated cash flow statement as at 30 September 2015


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in EUR thousand 1.1. – 30.9.2015 1.1. – 30.9.2014
I. Cash flow from operating activities
Net income 826,093 760,131
Appreciation / depreciation 48,739 33,105
Net realised gains and losses on investments (124,181) (137,356)
Change in fair value of financial instruments (through profit or loss) 9,207 8,823
Realised gains and losses on deconsolidation (424) (2,602)
Amortisation of investments 74,279 58,522
Changes in funds withheld 364,136 (344,432)
Net changes in contract deposits (450,191) (32,913)
Changes in prepaid reinsurance premium (net) 555,301 351,545
Changes in tax assets / provisions for taxes 76,122 201,845
Changes in benefit reserve (net) 154,363 43,876
Changes in claims reserves (net) 1,065,118 935,513
Changes in deferred acquisition costs (119,417) (77,797)
Changes in other technical provisions (11,775) 4,610
Changes in clearing balances (639,551) (223,420)
Changes in other assets and liabilities (net) (27,716) (202,143)
Cash flow from operating activities 1,800,103 1,377,307
II. Cash flow from investing activities
Fixed-income securities – held to maturity
Maturities 879,650 442,833
Purchases (4,582)
Fixed-income securities – loans and receivables
Maturities, sales 248,921 348,139
Purchases (110,001)
Fixed-income securities – available for sale
Maturities, sales 8,182,552 8,193,066
Purchases (8,859,044) (9,318,583)
Fixed-income securities – at fair value through profit or loss
Maturities, sales 18,828 9,636
Purchases (44,873) (24,556)
Equity securities – available for sale
Sales 4,215 9,923
Purchases (401,723) (8,546)
Other financial assets – at fair value through profit or loss
Sales 59,402 19,321
Purchases (11,641) (6,409)
Other invested assets
Sales 136,823 114,426
Purchases (255,517) (191,724)
Affiliated companies and participating interests
Sales 31,322 -
Purchases (31,133) (44,975)
Real estate and real estate funds
Sales 56,157 53,364
Purchases (242,036) (201,107)
Short-term investments
Changes 3,984 (948)
Other changes (net) (21,045) (29,367)
Cash flow from investing activities (355,159) (640,089)
III. Cash flow from financing activities
Contribution from capital measures 127 2,991
Payment on capital measures (7,009) (2,152)
Structural change without loss of control (2,542) (10)
Dividends paid (555,971) (402,728)
Proceeds from long-term debts 25,561 554,627
Repayment of long-term debts (517,972) (757,608)
Other changes (10) (13)
Cash flow from financing activities (1,057,816) (604,893)
IV. Exchange rate differences on cash (6,959) 47,259
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 772,882 642,936
Change in cash and cash equivalents (I. + II. + III. + IV.) 380,169 179,584
Changes in the consolidated group (4,059)
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 1,153,051 818,461
Supplementary information on the cash flow statement1    
Income taxes paid (on balance) (201,276) (36,343)
Dividend receipts2 92,473 65,230
Interest received 1,154,514 966,095
Interest paid (157,252) (127,905)
in EUR thousand 1.1. – 30.9.2015 1.1. – 30.9.2014
I. Cash flow from operating activities
Net income 826,093 760,131
Appreciation / depreciation 48,739 33,105
Net realised gains and losses on investments (124,181) (137,356)
Change in fair value of financial instruments (through profit or loss) 9,207 8,823
Realised gains and losses on deconsolidation (424) (2,602)
Amortisation of investments 74,279 58,522
Changes in funds withheld 364,136 (344,432)
Net changes in contract deposits (450,191) (32,913)
Changes in prepaid reinsurance premium (net) 555,301 351,545
Changes in tax assets / provisions for taxes 76,122 201,845
Changes in benefit reserve (net) 154,363 43,876
Changes in claims reserves (net) 1,065,118 935,513
Changes in deferred acquisition costs (119,417) (77,797)
Changes in other technical provisions (11,775) 4,610
Changes in clearing balances (639,551) (223,420)
Changes in other assets and liabilities (net) (27,716) (202,143)
Cash flow from operating activities 1,800,103 1,377,307
II. Cash flow from investing activities
Fixed-income securities – held to maturity
Maturities 879,650 442,833
Purchases (4,582)
Fixed-income securities – loans and receivables
Maturities, sales 248,921 348,139
Purchases (110,001)
Fixed-income securities – available for sale
Maturities, sales 8,182,552 8,193,066
Purchases (8,859,044) (9,318,583)
Fixed-income securities – at fair value through profit or loss
Maturities, sales 18,828 9,636
Purchases (44,873) (24,556)
Equity securities – available for sale
Sales 4,215 9,923
Purchases (401,723) (8,546)
Other financial assets – at fair value through profit or loss
Sales 59,402 19,321
Purchases (11,641) (6,409)
Other invested assets
Sales 136,823 114,426
Purchases (255,517) (191,724)
Affiliated companies and participating interests
Sales 31,322 -
Purchases (31,133) (44,975)
Real estate and real estate funds
Sales 56,157 53,364
Purchases (242,036) (201,107)
Short-term investments
Changes 3,984 (948)
Other changes (net) (21,045) (29,367)
Cash flow from investing activities (355,159) (640,089)
III. Cash flow from financing activities
Contribution from capital measures 127 2,991
Payment on capital measures (7,009) (2,152)
Structural change without loss of control (2,542) (10)
Dividends paid (555,971) (402,728)
Proceeds from long-term debts 25,561 554,627
Repayment of long-term debts (517,972) (757,608)
Other changes (10) (13)
Cash flow from financing activities (1,057,816) (604,893)
IV. Exchange rate differences on cash (6,959) 47,259
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 772,882 642,936
Change in cash and cash equivalents (I. + II. + III. + IV.) 380,169 179,584
Changes in the consolidated group (4,059)
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 1,153,051 818,461
Supplementary information on the cash flow statement1    
Income taxes paid (on balance) (201,276) (36,343)
Dividend receipts2 92,473 65,230
Interest received 1,154,514 966,095
Interest paid (157,252) (127,905)


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